Home energy efficiency II: Funding applications start at the end of the month.

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Households can upgrade the energy efficiency of their homes with a subsidy of up to 70% of the costs of the necessary building work, as the NSRF programme “Home energy efficiency II” opens on 28 February.

The new programme provides funding for the implementation of interventions aimed at saving energy in the domestic building sector, reducing energy consumption and consequently the energy costs of households, with a special focus on low and middle incomes.

The available resources from the NSRF 2014-2020 amount to approximately €250 million, while the total budget of the programme, including private funds, is expected to reach €500 million.
It is recalled that the Hellenic Bankers’ Association has delivered the integrated information system, which will be used for the electronic submission of applications and the monitoring of their progress for inclusion in the funded actions, in order to facilitate the interested parties and to ensure transparency, as regards the servicing of applications based on the absolute chronological order of submission.

The process of connecting banks to the information system will start gradually from 15 February and is expected to be completed by the end of the month, when the submission of applications will begin.
Single-family houses, apartment buildings and individual apartments, which have a building permit or other legal document, can join the new program. Multi-family dwellings in particular are eligible to join the programme, for which each one will be counted as a single dwelling, as a single unit.

An eligible dwelling is provided that:

  • It is used as a primary residence.
  • It exists legally, it is not arbitrary.
  • It has been classified on the basis of the First Energy Performance Certificate of the First Energy Inspection (EPC) in a category lower than or equal to D. It is not legally established, it is not a dwelling, it is not occupied, it is not legal, it is not a dwelling, and it is not occupied.
    Participation is open to natural persons who have the right of ownership (full or fractional) or usufruct and who meet the following income criteria.
    The new scheme now includes 7 categories:
Κατη-γορίαΑτομικόΕισόδημαΟικογενειακόΕισόδημαΒασικό Ποσοστό ΕπιχορήγησηςΑύξηση Επιχορήγησης ανά προστατευόμενο μέλοςΜέγιστο Ποσοστό Επιχορήγησης
1Έως 10.000Έως 20.00060%5%70%
210.000 έως 15.00020.000έως 25.00050%5%70%
315.000 έως 20.00025.000 έως 30.00040%5%70%
420.000 έως 25.00030.000 έως 35.00035%5%70%
525.000 έως 30.00035.000 έως 40.00030%5%50%
630.000 έως 35.00040.000 έως 45.00025%5%50%
735.000 έως 40.00045.000 έως 50.0000%0%0%
The major breakthrough introduced by the new “Home energy efficiency II” is the decoupling of the obligation to take a loan from participation in the programme. Consequently, taking a loan from a banking institution is not compulsory.
The budget of each application will not exceed EUR 25 000.
Interested citizens will be able to fill in their application to join the programme through the dedicated website and the dedicated platform of the programme, where they will check whether they meet the above criteria. It should be noted that applications will only be made electronically and the online application will take the place of a declaration of eligibility. By simplifying the application procedure, citizens are facilitated and bureaucracy is significantly reduced.
A prerequisite for inclusion in the programme is the carrying out of an energy inspection by an Energy Inspector, who will issue the required Energy Performance Certificate. Subsequently, interventions will be selected according to the findings/results of the inspection, aiming at achieving maximum energy savings and maximum improvement of the energy efficiency of the dwellings.
After the implementation of the interventions, a second energy audit will be carried out to check whether the targets set have been achieved and consequently the corresponding grant.
It should be noted that the cost of the Energy Inspector will be covered by the Programme, provided of course that the application has received the necessary approval.

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